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Message - 01/08/10

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This is an enquiry e-mail via from:  Erwin Alber

I have a Facebook page called 'Vaccination Information Network' (VINE), including an album featuring several pages about Gardasil and victims of Gardasil (and Cervarix):!/album.php?id=69667273997&aid=96078&s=0&hash=ddb2a3362788582e47eefb7f0dd87ed0

Click 'Next' to view each page.

Feel free to use anything on 'Off The Radar'.  
You probably already know that there are many video clips on youtube featuring stories of girls who suffered reactions, disability or death as a result of the Gardasil jabs. 

Best wishes and regards,

Erwin Alber

PS A question: why would the young New Zealand woman featured on the home page be a VAERS statistic? She was injured in New Zealand, so wouldn't her reaction be reported to CARM in Dundedin rather than VAERS?